For us, it happened through collaboration and communication, being completely transparent in creating technological solutions for agencies and insurance agents in the U.S., always aspiring to surpass ourselves.
It expanded as we integrated, automated, and developed our community beyond our dreams. We experienced how powerful it is to work hand in hand with our clients to create the digital solutions they need to grow their business.
It is through this journey that Apizeal was born, a technology company established in Florida, USA. And it's very exciting to know that as we continue together on our mission, this is just the beginning...
Agencies experience a 65% growth in their first year with Apizeal.
More than 8MM lines of code transformed into solutions.
More than 10K registered users in Apizeal.
Technology company founded in Florida, USA.
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Joel leads Apizeal, focusing on delivering innovative value to customers. He also oversees Apizeal's product, engineering, and design.
Cintya leads Apizeal's marketing and communications teams, including customer success and corporate marketing, demand generation, and growth.
Jose leads Apizeal's research and engineering teams.
Eglee oversees Apizeal's legal, security, compliance, and regulatory affairs.
Katherine oversees revenue through coordination of sales, marketing, and customer service.
Freddy coordinates the team responsible for developing the user interface of Apizeal's applications.
Esteban coordinates the activities of the server team and the application logic of Apizeal.
Valentina is responsible for building strategic relationships with customers to impulse Apizeal's value.
Hector oversees the operations, technical support, and customer success teams.
Ibrahim leads sales-based revenue channels, including paid media strategies.
Camila is in charge of creating marketing content and strategic alliances to drive Apizeal's growth.